Error Messages

The programs may give out error messages if you enter data incorrectly. Error messages are in the form:

ifail returned as 22 at error point 2 ..... program terminated

The number after `error point' (in this case `2') gives a clue as to where you went wrong. The following tables give you an idea of where to look if you get an error message.

Program `tabmusic'

Error point Where to look
1 Input filename
2 Input file, which does not open
3 Keyword `OUTPUT_FILE'
4 Output file, which does not open
5 Keyword `N_STRING'
6 Keyword `TUNING'
7 Notes defined for `TUNING'
8 Keyword `OFFSET'
9 Numbers defined for `OFFSET'
10 Keyword `TABLATURE'
11 An error within the tablature
12 An invalid note within the tablature

Program `musictab'

Error point Where to look
1 Input filename
2 Input file, which does not open
3 Keyword `OUTPUT_FILE'
4 Output file, which does not open
5 Keyword `N_STRING'
6 Keyword `MAX_FRET'
8 Numbers defined for `TIME_SIGNATURE'
9 Keyword `TUNING'
10 Notes defined for `TUNING'
11 Notes defined for `TUNING'
12 Keyword `OFFSET'
13 Numbers defined for `OFFSET'
14 Keyword `DEBUG'
15 Letter (`T' or `F') defined for `DEBUG'
16 Keyword `DEBUG_FILE'
17 Debug filename, which does not open
19 Numbers defined for `COST_FRET_STRING'
20 Keyword `DEL_FRET_SCALE'
21 Keyword `MAX_NOTE_SEP'
22 Keyword `ULT_COST'
24 Keyword `TAU_SUST'
25 Keyword `TAU_HAND'
26 Keyword `TEMP_FAC'
27 Keyword `TEMP_START'
28 Keyword `N_STEP'
29 Keyword `N_LOOP'
30 Keyword `N_RED'
31 Keyword `N_NO_RED'
32 Keyword `MUSIC'
33 An error within the music
34 Start of a slide, hammer push or pull connector
35 End of a slide, hammer push or pull connector
36 Length of a note within the music
37 An invalid note within the music
38 An error within the music
39 An error within the music
40 Something between the start of the parameter file and the keyword `MUSIC'
41 An error within the music

Program `showtab'

Error point Where to look
1 Input filename
2 Input file which does not open
3 Keyword `OUTPUT_FILE'
4 Output file, which does not open
5 Keyword `N_STRING'
6 Keyword `LINE_OFF'
7 Keyword `STAVE_OFF'
8 Keyword `NOTE_OFF'
9 Keyword `BAR_OFF'
10 Keyword `TITLE_OFF'
11 Keyword `PAGE_WIDTH'
12 Keyword `PAGE_LENGTH'
13 Keyword `LEFT_MARGIN'
14 Keyword `RIGHT_MARGIN'
15 Keyword `TOP_MARGIN'
16 Keyword `BOTTOM_MARGIN'
17 Keyword `N_TITLE'
18 Text following `N_TITLE'
19 Size of text following `N_TITLE'
22 Keyword `TABLATURE'
23 An error within the tablature
24 The length of the tablature (up to 10000 characters are allowed)
25 -
26 -
27 -
28 The length of the tablature (up to 998 bars are allowed)
29 -
30 -
31 -
32 -
33 -
34 -
35 Missing end to a slide, hammer push or pull connector
36 -
37 Length of a note within the tablature
38 String or fret number of a single note
39 String or fret number, or length, of a single note
40 String or fret number of a double note
41 String or fret number of a double note
42 String or fret number, or length, of a double note
43 Missing end to a slide, hammer push or pull connector after a double note
44 -
45 Missing double quote (") at end of text
46 Subscript or superscript in text

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