# Number of strings: N_STRING 5 # # Maximum number of frets: MAX_FRET 22 # # Vertical line offset (cm): LINE_OFF .3 # # Vertical stave offset (cm): STAVE_OFF 4. # # Horizontal note offset (cm): NOTE_OFF 0.65 # # Horizontal bar offset (cm): BAR_OFF .15 # # Vertical title offset (cm): TITLE_OFF 1 # # Page width (cm) PAGE_WIDTH 21. # # Page length (cm): PAGE_LENGTH 29.6 # # Left margin(cm): LEFT_MARGIN 2 # # Right margin(cm): RIGHT_MARGIN 2 # # Top margin(cm): TOP_MARGIN 3 # # Bottom margin(cm): BOTTOM_MARGIN 4 # # Output filename: OUTPUT_FILE textab.op # # Title line: N_TITLE 1 "Foggy Mountain Breakdown" .7 # # The time signature: TIME_SIGNATURE 2/4 # # The tuning of the open strings: TUNING "D4N" "B3N" "G3N" "D3N" "G4N" # # The offsets of the open strings: OFFSET 0 0 0 0 5 # # Debug flag ("T" for debug, otherwise "F"): DEBUG T # # Debug filename: DEBUG_FILE textab.deb # #*********************************************************** # MusicTab constants - MODIFY AT YOUR PERIL!! # # Extra cost for each fretted string: COST_FRET_STRING 2 2 2 2 10 # Scaling for fret separation: DEL_FRET_SCALE 2 # Max time separation between notes (in note units): MAX_NOTE_SEP 1 # Ultimate cost for same string, same time: ULT_COST 100 # Cost for same string, different time: COST_SAME_STRING 10 # Decay time for sustain of note: TAU_SUST .5 # Decay time for hand movement (in note units): TAU_HAND .5 # The temperature reduction factor each temperature step: TEMP_FAC 0.8 # The starting temperature: TEMP_START 1000 # The number of temperature steps: N_STEP 50 # (the number of loops at each temperature) # / (the number of notes): N_LOOP 50 # (the number of cost function reductions for quickie loop exit) # / (the number of notes): N_RED 10 # (the number of zero cost functions reductions for termination) # / (the number of notes): N_NO_RED 10 #*********************************************************** # # The tablature: TABLATURE |#[(202/16_I^G&203)100/16_M_H&(202/16_T&203)100/16_M_H]&[500/16_T&200/16_I&100/16_M&500/16_T]| |[(202/16_I&203)100/16_M_H&(202/16_T&203)100/16_M_H]&[500/16_T&200/16_I&100/16_M&500/16_T]| |[(202/16_I&203)100/16_M_H&(202/16_T&203)100/16_M_H]&[500/16_T&(303/16_I&302)100/16_M_P&500/16_T]| ! End of line 1 |[300/08_I&500/16_T&300/16_I]&[100/16_M&300/16_I&(401/08_T]|[402/08)_S^"E_m"&102/08_M]&[200/08_I&300/08_I]| |[(401402)/08_T_S&102/16_M&500/16_T]&[102/16_M&300/16_I&402/16_T&100/16_M]| |[300/16_T^G&100/16_M&500/16_T&(302304)/16_I_S]&[100/16_M&300/16_I&402/16_T&100/16_M]| ! End of line 2 |[300/08_I&500/16_T&300/16_I]&[100/16_M&300/16_I&(401/08_T]| |[402/08)_S^"E_m"&102/08_M]&[200/08_I&300/08_I]| |[(401402)/08_T_S&102/16_M&500/16_T]&[102/16_M&300/16_i&402/16_T&100/16_M]| |[300/16_T^G&100/16_M&500/16_T&(302304)/16_I_S]&[100/16_M&300/16_I&402/16_T&100/16_M]| ! End of line 3 |[300/16_T&100/16_M&500/16_T&(302304)/16_I_S]&[100/16_M&300/16_I&402/16_T&100/16_M]| |[400/08_T^D&(202/16_I&203)100/16_M_S]&[500/16_T&203/16_I&100/16_M&500/16_I]| |[(202/16_I&203)100/16_M_H&(202/16_T&203)100/16_M_H]&[500/16_T&(303/16_I&302)100/16_M_P&500/16_T]| ! End of line 4 |[300/08_I^G&500/16_T&(302304)/16_I_S]&[200/16_M&300/16_I&402/16_T&100/16_M]| |[300/08_I&100200300/08_B]| ! End of line 5