Tidal Analysis and Prediction Package
If you download any software from this page, please phone John Hunter on (+61) 0427 098 831. Thank you.
Software downloads for tidal analysis and prediction Package:
- A brief description of the package, readme
- A tar file containing 116 astronomical argument files, all_con.tar
- A zip file containing 116 astronomical argument files, all_con.zip
- A tar file containing 14 files of constituent names to be used for the analyses of records of different lengths (for original software, tpd1150.f and tda1154.f), tcond.tar
- A zip file containing 14 files of constituent names to be used for the analyses of records of different lengths (for original software, tpd1150.f and tda1154.f), tcond.zip
- A tar file containing 14 files of constituent names to be used for the analyses of records of different lengths (for upgraded software, tpd1450.f and tda1537.f), tconl.tar
- A zip file containing 14 files of constituent names to be used for the analyses of records of different lengths (for upgraded software, tpd1450.f and tda1537.f), tconl.zip
- A demonstration input file containing harmonic constants for a few ports (for original software, tpd1150.f and tda1154.f), port.dat
- A sample file of harmonic constants (for Hobart) (for upgraded software, tpd1450.f and tda1537.f), hobart
- A sample parameter file for tda1537.f, sample.par
- A sample file of input data for tda1537.f (for Hobart), sample.ip
- Fortran source code for the tide analysis program, tda1154.f
- Fortran source code for the tide prediction program, tpd1150.f
- Fortran source code for upgraded tide analysis program, tda1537.f
- Fortran source code for general tide prediction subroutine and test program, tpd1450.f