The Parameter File

Input to the TexTab programs is through the use of a Parameter File. This file contains the TexTab code (as described above) and also a set of numbers that define the way in which the programs work. Here is a specimen Parameter File.

Firstly, note the lines starting with a `#' character. These are just comments and are not used by any of the TexTab program - they just help you remember what the various things mean. Secondly, note that most of the other lines start with a word in capitals (the `keyword') followed by a number, numbers or a set of characters. Let's just look at the first line containing a keyword:

This tells the TexTab programs how many strings your instrument has - this is for a 5-string banjo. For a tenor banjo, you would put `N_STRING 4', and for a guitar you might put `N_STRING 6'.

The next line with a keyword is:

which tells the programs that your instrument has 22 frets.

The keyword lines may be in any order in the file, the exception being the special keywords `TABLATURE' and `MUSIC' which are followed by the TexTab code in TN and CMN, respectively (this specific parameter file has the tune in TN, but it could equally well be in CMN). The `TABLATURE' and `MUSIC' keywords must be the last keywords in the file and must be followed by the TexTab code, until the end of the file is reached. Keywords must alway start at the beginning of a line. Some way down the file you will find the line:

# MusicTab constants - MODIFY AT YOUR PERIL!!
The keywords between this statement and the TexTab code are used by `musictab' (the program which converts CMN into TN). They should only be altered if you really understand how this program works.

The following table describes the meaning of the the Parameter File keywords.

N_STRING The number of strings to your instrument
MAX_FRET The number of frets to your instrument
LINE_OFF The vertical distance between the lines of tablature (cm)
STAVE_OFF The vertical distance between individual staves of tablature (cm)
NOTE_OFF The horizontal distance between tablature notes (cm)
BAR_OFF The horizontal distance between double vertical bar lines (cm)
TITLE_OFF The vertical distance between the tablature and its title (cm)
PAGE_WIDTH The page width (cm)
PAGE_LENGTH The page length (cm)
LEFT_MARGIN The left margin (cm)
RIGHT_MARGIN The right margin (cm)
TOP_MARGIN The top margin (cm)
BOTTOM_MARGIN The bottom margin (cm)
OUTPUT_FILE The name of the output file (conventionally `textab.op')
N_TITLE The number of title lines, followed by the title lines. Each title line contains the text in double quotes ("), followed by the size of the text (cm).
TIME_SIGNATURE The time signature, as a fraction (e.g. `2/4')
TUNING The tuning of the open strings, starting from the lowest. Each string is represented by a note in CMN, enclosed in double quotes (").
OFFSET The `offset' of each open string as a number of frets, starting from the lowest. For a tenor banjo or guitar this is zero for all the strings, but for the fifth string of a 5-string banjo it is 5.
DEBUG This is either `T' (if you want the output of a `debug' file from the `musictab' program), or `F' (it you don't). The debug file indicates how well the program has converted CNM into TN.
DEBUG_FILE The name of the debug file (conventionally `textab.deb')
COST_FRET_STRING A measure of how much you don't like fretting each string, starting from the lowest
DEL_FRET_SCALE A measure of how hard it is to stretch between different frets
MAX_NOTE_SEP A measure of the time separation between notes
ULT_COST A large number, to stop the `musictab' program allocating two notes on the same string at the same time
COST_SAME_STRING A measure of how much you don't like playing the same string in sequence
TAU_SUST A measure of the sustain of a note
TAU_HAND A measure of how fast you can move your hand
TEMP_FAC A measure of how fast the `temperature' is reduced in the simulated annealing algorithm
TEMP_START The starting `temperature' for the simulated annealing algorithm
N_STEP A computational constant used in the simulated annealing algorithm
N_LOOP Ditto
N_RED Ditto
N_NO_RED Ditto
TABLATURE To be followed by the tune in Tablature Notation (TN)
MUSIC To be followed by the tune in Conventional Music Notation (CMN)

Note the comments at the end of each line of tablature, separated from the main code by an exclamation mark (`!').

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